How ehcw works during COVID-19

105.9 The Region is airing free commercials for ehcw during COVID-19. It is heartwarming to observe their corporate social responsibility. Thank you to the entire team

105.9 The Region is assisting ehcw clients to settle
TD Bank is giving financial support to ehcw

During COVID-19 period, ehcw seniors created items for possible donations to the pediatric ward for hospitals. Seniors are also preparing for the Christmas Season by making decorative crochet candy canes.

Trimark/PCNA sponsored lunch for the community served by Elspeth Heyworth Centre for Women
Masks distributed to vulnerable seniors
With support of United Way Greater Toronto (Local Love Fund) ehcw distributed diapers, baby food, sanitary items, and laptops to the most vulnerable families
With support of City of Toronto ehcw established free masks distribution and cooling station for thirsty sidewalk pedestrians and TTC users
Thank you to our volunteers and our community members for donations of food, clothing, and baby items!