Seniors Active Living Centre and Aging At Home

EHCW is Helping Seniors Access a Higher Standard of Care and Build Community So They Can Age Well in Their Own Homes

About the Program

The Seniors Active Living Centre and Aging At Home Programs offer seniors who live independently, comprehensive health-related activities to help maintain their physical, mental and emotional wellness. It also creates space for participants to volunteer and participate in community events and festivities. This keeps them connected to their communities and provides them with opportunities to give back.

Program Locations

These programs are offered to seniors in Toronto and in Vaughan.

Toronto programs locations:

Edgeley Apartments
35 Shoreham Drive, Toronto ON M3M 1S5

Northwood Apartments
3680 Keele Street, Toronto ON M3J 1M2

Gord and Irene Risk Community Centre
2650 Finch Avenue West, Toronto ON M9M 3A3

Vaughan programs Locations

Blue Willow Activity Centre
133 Fieldstone Drive, Vaughan ON L4L 0A1

Vellore Village Community Centre
1 Villa Royale Avenue, Vaughan ON L4H 2Z7

Program Offerings

Seniors who partake in the program have access to:

Yoga Classes

A regular yoga maintains and improves the emotional, mental and physical well-being of adults as well as aging seniors. The program helps to revitalize the participants. It also aims to reduce unnecessary visits to doctors through proactive health care. The innovative program creates a space for seniors from diverse ethnic groups to come together and collectively maintain their health.
Participants report that regular yoga at EHCW has improved their flexibility and sleep, reduced stress and pain from arthritis and car accidents.

Computer Training

This program helps seniors learn to use computers and to develop their existing skills. Being able to access and use computers safely help seniors connect to their families in other countries and stay involved in their lives. The program pairs youth volunteers with senior participants. Some of the skills participants learn include:

  • Using the internet safety
  • Accessing news and information online
  • Setting up and using email accounts
  • Downloading and sharing pictures from digital cameras
  • Using Skype, e-Bay and other commonly used websites
  • Creating greeting cards
  • Navigating though social media
  • Participating in online educational activities

Community Garden

The Community Garden program is supported by the Municipality of York Region. The partnership allows EHCW to manage 16 plots of land for seniors to grow vegetables and herbs. Youth volunteers assist the seniors and learn to the grow herbs and vegetables. This interaction has reduced levels of isolation and depression in senior clients.

Dance and Physical Fitness

This wellness program helps our senior clients maintain mobility and physical fitness. Participants have access to five different sessions including:

  • Zumba
  • Light exercise; functional fitness; Let’s Dance; exercises for less-mobile seniors
  • Yoga
  • Line dancing

Recreational Activities

In addition to helping seniors maintain their physical fitness, EHCW provides our senior clients with creative, artistic activities. These activities help build community and promote emotional and mental wellbeing. Participants have access to the following activities:

  • Quilting
  • Knitting
  • Monthly congregate dining
  • Arts & craft; painting; crochet, sewing

Cultural and Educational Programs

In addition to recreational activities, EHCW offers a number of cultural and educational programs to our senior clients. These include:

  • Bingo
  • English Café
  • Workshops facilitated by community experts on Elder Abuse, Aging, Fall Prevention and other topics of interest
  • Celebrations and community events
  • Healthy eating for aging seniors
  • Chinese group; South Asian group

Educational Trips

ehcw provides seniors opportunities to go on adventurous and educational trips to places such as the Royal Ontario Museum and Niagara Falls. Participants enjoy sightseeing and attain knowledge about places they visit